
I am a Human Factors Psychologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine with joint appointments in Public Health and Nursing. I am a principal faculty member in the Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality, Associate Director for Team Science at the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, Interim Director of Research at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Simulation Center, and Co-Director of the Applied Master of Science Program in Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. My research focuses on simulation, performance measurement, teamwork and coordination, system evaluation and design for patient safety and quality.

Download my CV (pdf), or view my project portfolio.

  • Human factors in complex work systems
  • Integration of quantitative and qualitative approaches
  • Simulation
  • PhD in Human Factors Psychology, 2010

    University of Central Florida

  • MA in English, 2004

    University of Central Florida

  • BS in Psychology, 1998

    University of Central Florida
